How to attract hiring managers on LinkedIn?

How to attract hiring managers on LinkedIn?


You’ve just spent hours slaving away at your keyboard. Your fingers ache, your eyes start to blur.

Have you been working on the next great literary masterpiece?

Or your PhD dissertation?

Nope. You’ve spent all that time making sure your LinkedIn profile is finally complete.

Let’s be real: Few things inspire stress in job seekers quite like LinkedIn. That’s because you know that if you get it right, you can build your brand, land jobs and grow your network.

Step 1: Get found

Keep in mind that hiring managers using LinkedIn aren’t omniscient: Just because you have a profile, it doesn’t mean that they’re going to see it. And if they don’t see it, your profile isn’t going to do you any good, no matter how awesome it is.

So, the first step is to get found — which means you have to think like a hiring manager. Now, as tempting as it may be, don’t overthink this one. Hiring managers are busy and they don’t have time to try a million search tricks. Instead, if they’re looking to find someone for “X” role, they’re likely to enter “X” into that search box. For example, a hiring manager searching for a marketer is going to search for “marketer.” Whereas someone looking for the perfect product manager is going to search “product manager.”

How do you make sure you get found in that search? Simple, make sure that exact phrase is everywhere that LinkedIn’s search algorithm looks. In particular, you want to have it in your Headline and Summary (since those sections are character-limited and less-easily gamed), but also your Experience and Skills sections.

In addition, make sure to have as many connections as possible on the site as, all else being equal, LinkedIn’s algorithm prefers to show results who are more closely connected to the searcher (e.g., 2nd degree vs. 22nd degree). You can boost this number by importing your address book and specifically adding as many people as you know in your desired hiring manager’s industry. Just make sure you’re sending personalized connection messages and not mass-adding people.

Another way to build out your contact list? Keep in mind that there really is no major downside to accepting all requests. Sure, you might see a few strangers in your feed, but you’re not sharing your personal stuff with them and if they wanted to access your network, they’d have to go through you anyway. I routinely leverage unknown connections on LinkedIn to help my students get in touch with the people they need (people who use LinkedIn aggressively tend to be pretty generous). To say nothing of the benefit when it comes to recruiters’ searches.

Step 2: Win the first impression

Okay, let’s say you’ve finagled your way into the top search results. But how do you actually get the hiring manager to click your profile? After all, a search like “product manager” returns over two million results.

Well, the trick is to win the first impression. Given the sheer number of results out there and the hiring manager’s harried schedule, you’ve got to assume that she’s only going to spend a nanosecond looking at your result. And so, in that brief flash of time, you need to immediately wow her with your stellar presence.

You can do this in two ways:

Have a charismatic profile photo

People like to surround themselves with happy people. So skip brooding model poses and fake smiles, and go for genuine charm (the expression you’d make if you just saw your best friend walk into a room). While you can optimize for clothing, scenery, and so on — nothing wins as instantaneously as someone who conveys: “You’d like me.” Period.

Have an eye-catching headline

While a headline like “Very First Product Manager at Google” always works, the vast majority of us just don’t have that kind of track record. So, the next best thing is to focus on what the hiring manager cares about. For example, if you want to work in product at an early stage startup, say: “Product Manager for Early-Stage Startups: I Help Small Companies Become Big Companies!” That not only speaks to where the hiring manager is today, but also where she needs her team to take the company in the future.

Step 3: Get the invite

So you’ve gotten on the hiring manager’s radar, you’ve won her attention, and now she’s looking at your profile. What actually matters here? And what doesn’t?

Again, go back to that rule of thumb about speed. No hiring manager is going to spend hours poring over your profile. Instead, he or she is going to scan the whole thing in seconds. Which means that you need to win this person over for good at the headline level, not the bullet level.

Here’s what looks like:


You can have a long summary full of all the relevant keywords (as per the first step) but it should start with a single sentence that encapsulates your candidacy (e.g., “I’m a startup product manager with a track record of helping firms earn their first revenue and achieve successful exits.”). That way, even if the hiring manager doesn’t read anything else, she gets that you belong on her list.


No one is going to read all your bullets, but they will all definitely skim the titles and companies. Which means that if you had some weird startup title (“Lord of Product”) at a no-name company (“Gazoozle!”), it’s best to translate those into something more easily understandable (“First Product Manager at Startup with 8-Figure Exit”).


Again, a hiring manager isn’t likely to read the 2,000-word treatise your former boss composed in your honor. But she will notice if you have recommendations under every job you’ve ever had. Because that says you consistently outperform — and she doesn’t just have to take your word for it.

That means that if you’re about to ask for a recommendation, ask the person to focus on the first two sentences (e.g., “Kayla was the very best product manager I’ve had in 20 years in this business. I can’t recommend her more highly.”) since those are typically the only part that appear embedded in the Experience section.

And that’s it. The three critical steps that will help you show up to hiring managers, get their attention, and win their interest. Take special note of everything I didn’t mention: You don’t need to follow Richard Branson’s Influencer feed religiously. You don’t need 27 endorsements from your family for teamwork. And you don’t even need to pay LinkedIn a cent if you don’t want to.

Because, as with most things in life, only 20% of your profile is what’s going to get you 80% of your impact. So put yourselves in the shoes of your future hiring manager, focus on what really matters, and save all the stress for your first day at your soon-to-be new job!